In recent years, international and regional organisations have adopted a number of important standards concerning the need to address gender issues in security processes and institutions. These include the new Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security.
The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces developed a detailed compilation of the international and regional norms and standards concerning gender issues and the security sector as an annex to its 2008 Gender and Security Sector Reform Toolkit. This annex serves as a reference point for anyone working on security sector reform (SSR) or gender and security issues. It has now been fully updated to reflect developments in the United Nations, European Union, African Union and other regional organisations.
The updated compilation sets out key laws, instruments and norms to guide SSR processes, with particular sections on police reform, defence reform; justice reform; penal reform; border management; parliamentary oversight of the security sector; national security policy-making; civil society oversight of the security sector; SSR assessment, monitoring and evaluation; and gender training for security sector personnel.
The updated compilation of International and Regional Laws and Instruments Related to SSR and Gender can be downloaded here: